How are clinics sharing the VIOLET report with their patients?
VIOLET reports can be shared via:
Patient Consultation: Where the patient reviews the report for the first time with the clinician as part of a counselling conversation.
MyFutureFertility Patient Portal: Where the patient reviews the report on their own time after downloading it from our new MyFutureFertility patient portal. Patients can also use the portal to access education materials.
There are two main ways that clinics are using our reports and sharing them with patients.
The first, which is what the majority of clinics have done in the past, is to share the VIOLET report during a patient consultation.
This would take place after the patient has undergone their egg freezing, in a follow-up appointment.
The clinician would utilize the VIOLET report during the consultation to walk the patient through their results directly.
That way, the clinician has the report on-hand to support their counselling conversation.
They can use it to discuss the patient’s reproductive goals and options in the context of their personalized oocyte quality.
As an added bonus, with our new MyFutureFertility patient portal, clinicians can share a customized digital experience for their patients that includes secure access to their final VIOLET report.
Using the portal, patients can access, download, and augment their understanding of their treatment following their counselling session.
The other way that clinics are sharing our VIOLET reports is by sending the report directly to the patient using the MyFutureFertility patient portal.
This time-saving option provides patients with the ability to download their report and review it on their own.
The portal includes patient resources alongside the report to educate the patient on how to interpret their VIOLET results.
These resources have been developed by our team at Future Fertility to address frequently asked questions, and to help the patient understand their results in the context of their broader fertility journey.
Clinics can also access our latest patient education resources at any time on our website at