Stiamo tracciando la strada nell'analisi degli ovociti basata sulla scienza e convalidata clinicamente.

Aggiornati sulle scoperte della nostra ricerca interna e sugli studi realizzati in collaborazione con alcune delle cliniche leader nel mondo.

La nostra biblioteca include anche altre pubblicazioni degne di nota riguardanti l’applicazione dell’IA agli ovociti.


ARTICOLO DI RICERCA ORIGINALE: Segmentation of mature human oocytes provides interpretable and improved blastocyst outcome predictions by a machine learning model

J. Fjeldstad, W. Qi, N. Siddique, N. Mercuri, D. Nayot, A. Krivoi.
Scientific Reports. Volume 14, article number 10569 (2024). Pubblicato: 8 maggio 2024.

ARTICOLO DI RICERCA ORIGINALE: An artificial intelligence tool predicts blastocyst development from static images of fresh mature oocytes

J. Fjeldstad, W. Qi, N. Mercuri, N. Siddique, J. Meriano, A. Krivoi, D. Nayot.
Reproductive BioMedicine Online. Pubblicato: 17 gennaio 2024.


The Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Oocyte Evaluation and Selection

Rachel Smith & Dan Nayot.
Published in “Egg Freezing in the 21st Century: A Global Perspective”, pp. 151-165 (2024). World Scientific Publishing.

Artificial Intelligence and Oocyte/Embryo Assessment in Cryopreservation Cycles

Azraa Janmohamed, Dan Nayot, Ryan Miller & Nikica Zaninovic.
Published in “Cryopreservation in Assisted Reproduction”, pp. 227-234 (2024). Springer.


Validazione degli strumenti di valutazione degli ovociti MAGENTA™ & VIOLET™

ORAL ABSTRACT: Artificial intelligence (AI) models predict blastocyst development and ploidy status from images of mature, metaphase II (MII) oocytes

Y. Franco, G. Bescos, S Malekian Naeini, S. Corsac, N Mercuri, J. Fjeldstad, I. Puerta Vega, E Carrillo De Albornoz, B. Bueno, R. Alejandra, V. Cabezuelo, A. Bermejo, A. Villa, I. Orozco, F. Sotos  
32nd World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI), 2024.

ORAL ABSTRACT: An artificial intelligence (AI) model non-invasively identifies oocytes that correlate with greater embryo implantation potential

J. Fjeldstad, N. Mercuri, A. Krivoi, J. Malmsten, D. Nayot, N. Zaninovic.
ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo 2024. O-223: OST-17: ART – Artificial Intelligence. Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
Fertility & Sterility, Volume 122, Issue 4, Supplement, E92-93, October 2024.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Novel artificial intelligence oocyte assessment tool reveals correlation with blastocyst developmental rate, ploidy status, and quality

J. Fjeldstad, S. Malekian Naeini, N. Mercuri, D. Nayot.
The Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society’s 70th Annual Meeting. September 12, 2024. Poster Presentation.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Calidad ovocitaria analizada por inteligencia artificial: Nuestra experience

A.J. Aon, V. Julianelli, J. Fjeldstad, N. Mercuri, M. Geller, M. Lavolpe.
XXI Congreso Argentino de Medicina Reproductiva. September 12, 2024. Poster Presentation.

ORAL ABSTRACT: Correlation of oocyte quality assessment by artificial intelligence to blastocyst development, and ovarian stimulation protocols

D. Braga, A. Setti, J. Fjeldstad, N. Mercuri, P. Mojiri, A. Iaconelli Jr., E. Borges Jr.
28º Congresso Brasileiro de Reprodução Assistida. JBRA Session II. August 30, 2024.

POSTER DISCUSSION ABSTRACT: Image-based oocyte model predictive of blastocyst development correlates with ploidy status across a broad spectrum of PGT-A indications, accounting for confounding variables

J. Malmsten, N. Zaninovic, N. Mercuri, W. Qi, M. Jaberipour, D. Nayot, Z. Rosenwaks, J. Fjeldstad.
ESHRE 40th Annual Meeting, 2024. P-273 Session 65: Embryology.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 39, Supp 1, July 2024.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Non-invasive artificial intelligence (AI) prediction of blastocyst development from mature oocytes unveils correlation with blastocyst ploidy for enhanced reproductive insight at earliest stage of development

M. Alavés Navarro, J. Crespo, N. Mercuri, N. Siddique, A. Krivoi, J. Fjeldstad, J. Teruel.
ESHRE 40th Annual Meeting, 2024. P-252 Poster Viewing: Embryology.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 39, Supp 1, July 2024.

POSTER ABSTRACT: An artificial intelligence-powered tool to score fresh donor oocytes and predict blastulation: interim analysis of a prospective investigation conducted at 3 laboratories 

M.C. Urda Muñoz, V. Palazzo, T. Sanchez, J. Avila, C. Marinè, A. Bellon, M. Hebles, V. Badajoz, L. Mifsud, J. Fjeldstad, N. Mercuri, I. Puerta Vega, D. Nayot, L. Rienzi, D. Cimadomo.
ESHRE 40th Annual Meeting, 2024. P-166 Poster Viewing: Embryology.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 39, Supp 1, July 2024.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Embryologists display low levels of agreement in predicting fertilization and blastocyst development success from a set of mature oocyte images, highlighting the need for a standard oocyte assessment tool

N. Mercuri, S. Corsac, J. Fjeldstad, N. Siddique, I. Puerta Vega, D. Nayot.
14th Biennial ALPHA Conference, June 2024. Poster presentation.

POSTER ABSTRACT: MAGENTA, una herramienta de inteligencia artificial (IA) que analiza imágenes de ovocitos metafase II (MII), identifica ovocitos de mayor calidad en protocolos de
estimulación controlada (COS) con antagonistas de la GnRH frente a agonistas de la GnRH

J. Fjeldstad, N. Siddique, N. Mercuri, J. Meriano, D. Nayot, I. Puerta Vega.
34º Congreso Nacional Sociedad Española de Fertilidad, May 2024. Poster presentation.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Embryologists’ Predictions Do Not Improve An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool’s Prediction Of Blastocyst Development From Mature (Metaphase II, MII) Oocytes When Augmented In Ensemble Models

N. Mercuri, S. Corsac, J. Fjeldstad, N. Siddique, I. Puerta Vega, D. Nayot.
Fertility 2024 Conference.
Poster Walk. Friday, January 12, 2024 @ 10:30.

ORAL – INNOVATION IN REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY PROPOSAL: A Deep Learning Model (DLM) To Predict Blastocyst Development From Metaphase II (MII) Oocytes

I. Puerta Vega, J. Fjeldstad, W. Qi, N. Mercuri, N. Siddique, A. Krivoi.
31st World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI), 2023.
Presented on November 25, 2023 @ 13:00.

ORAL ABSTRACT: Oocyte Image Analysis Artificial Intelligence Tool, MAGENTA, Validated On Both EmbryoScope And Geri Time-Lapse Systems

M.I. Puerta Vega, N. Siddique, N. Mercuri, W. Qi, J. Fjeldstad.
XII Congreso ASEBIR. CO-038 9:05 AM Friday, November 17, 2023.
ASEBIR Revista de Embriología Clínica y Biología Reproductiva. Vol. 28, No.2, P.130-131. Noviembre 2023.

ORAL ABSTRACT: Higher Metaphase II (MII) Oocyte Quality Identified By An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Oocyte Image Analysis Tool In GnRH Antagonist Versus GnRH Agonist Controlled Ovarian Stimulation (COS) Protocols

J. Fjeldstad, N. Siddique, N. Mercuri, J. Meriano, D. Nayot.
ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo 2023. O-181 4:25 PM Tuesday, October 17, 2023.
Fertility & Sterility, Volume 120, Issue 4, Supplement, E77, October 2023.

ORAL ABSTRACT: Artificial Intelligence Oocyte Image Analysis Predicts Fertilization, Blastocyst Development, and Live Birth Outcomes Per Cohort

L. Murria, L. Bori, E. Sánchez Chiva, C. Albert, A. Cobo, M. Meseguer.
ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo 2023.  O-101 4:25 PM Monday, October 16, 2023.
Fertility & Sterility, Volume 120, Issue 4, Supplement, E42-43, October 2023.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Clinical Limitations Of Manual Oocyte Quality Scoring By Embryologists Are Overcome By An Artificial Intelligence (AI) Oocyte Image Analysis Tool

D. Nayot, N. Findikli, O. Olcay, H. Kisaoglu, N. Siddique, N. Mercuri, J. Fjeldstad.
ESHRE 39th Annual Meeting, 2023.
Poster viewing: Embryology. P-274.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Can An AI Image Analysis Tool (VIOLET) Provide Better Predictions Of Oocyte Potential Than The Current Standard, Patient Age, As It Relates To Blastocyst Development?

N. Mercuri, J. Fjeldstad, M. Jaberipour, N. Siddique, D. Nayot.
ESHRE 39th Annual Meeting, 2023.
Poster viewing: Embryology. P-268.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Supported MAGENTA Oocyte Assessments Shown To Prospectively Correlate With Utilizable Blastocyst Development In Patients, And For The First Time In Oocyte Donors

J. Pons Ballester, M. Alavés, J. Teruel, J. Fjeldstad, N. Mercuri, A. Krivoi.
ESHRE 39th Annual Meeting, 2023.
Session 47: Poster discussion session: Embryology. P-217.

POSTER ABSTRACT: The Impact Of A Non-Invasive Artificial Intelligence (AI) Oocyte Scoring System On Subsequent Embryo Development In Group Culture

A. Nesvadbová, E. Hynečková, M. Halatová, V. Hoduláková, K. Wiemer.
PCRS Annual Meeting 2023.
Poster Presentation.

ORAL ABSTRACT: A Non-Invasive, 2-Dimensional (2D) Image Analysis Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tool Scores Mature Oocytes And Correlates With The Quality Of Subsequent Blastocyst Development

N. Mercuri, J. Fjeldstad, A. Krivoi, J. Meriano, D. Nayot.
ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo 2022.  O-191 11:45 AM Wednesday, October 26, 2022.
Fertility & Sterility, Vol. 118, No. 4, Supplement, E78-79, October 2022.

ORAL ABSTRACT: Independent Assessment Of An Artificial Intelligence-Based Image Analysis Tool To Predict Fertilisation And Blastocyst Utilisation Potential Of Oocytes, And Comparison With Ten Expert Embryologists

A. Campbell, D. Nayot, A. Krivoi, A. Barrie, K. Jordan, L. Jenner, L. Nice, C. Miralles, S. Barlow, L. Best, Y. Lodge, R. Smith.
Fertility Conference 2021. Oral Presentation SP3.5.
Fertility 2021 Conference Abstracts, p.14.

Sviluppo del modello di ovociti

ORAL ABSTRACT: Oocyte image assessment by novel artificial intelligence (AI) model predicts blastocyst PGT-A results, outperforming age as a predictor

N. Mercuri, M. Jaberipour, A. Krivoi, D. Nayot, J. Fjeldstad.
ESHRE 40th Annual Meeting, 2024. O-025 Session 02: The Key Players For Success: The Gametes.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 39, Supp 1, July 2024.

ORAL ABSTRACT: An Interpretable Artificial Intelligence Model Predicts Blastocyst Development From Segmented Images of Mature (MII) Oocytes

M.I. Puerta Vega, N. Siddique, N. Mercuri, W. Qi, A. Krivoi, J. Fjeldstad.
31st World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility (COGI), 2023.
Oral Presentations 4 – ART / IVF / Infertility. November 24, 2023.

ORAL ABSTRACT: Non-Invasive AI Image Analysis Unlocks The Secrets Of Oocyte Quality And Reproductive Potential By Assigning ‘Magenta’ Scores From 2-Dimensional (2-D) Microscope Images

J. Fjeldstad, N. Mercuri, J. Meriano, A. Krivoi, A. Campbell, R. Smith, K. Berrisford, C. Drezet, R. Casper, D. Nayot.
ESHRE 38th Annual Meeting, 2022. O-204 Session 31: Novel approaches in oocyte assessment.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 37, Supp 1, i59-60, 2022.

ORAL ABSTRACT: A Novel Non-Invasive Oocyte Scoring System Using Ai Applied To 2-Dimensional Images

D. Nayot, N. Mercuri, A. Krivoi, R. Casper, J. Meriano, J. Fjeldstad.
ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo 2021. O-192 12:00 PM Wednesday, October 20, 2021.
Fertility & Sterility, Vol. 116, No. 3, Supplement, E474, September 2021.
ABSTRACT: An Oocyte Assessment Tool Using Machine Learning: Predicting Blastocyst Development Based On A Single Image Of An Oocyte
D. Nayot, J. Meriano, R. Casper, A. Krivoi.
ESHRE 36th Annual Meeting, 2020. O-285 Session 69: Biomarkers of developmental competence.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 35, Supp 1, i129-130, 2020.

Sviluppo del modello di ricettività endometriale

POSTER ABSTRACT: Developing an artificial intelligence (AI) model to efficiently measure endometrial thickness within ultrasound (US) images

N. Mercuri, P. Mojiri Forooshani, W. Qi, J. Fjeldstad, A. Krivoi, D. Nayot.
ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo 2024. P-54: PSM-08 – ART – Artificial Intelligence. Monday, October 21, 2024.
Fertility & Sterility, Volume 122, Issue 4, Supplement, E149, October 2024.

ORAL ABSTRACT: An artificial intelligence (AI) model non-invasively evaluates endometrial receptivity from ultrasound images, surpassing endometrial thickness (EMT) in predicting implantation

J. Fjeldstad, W. Qi, N. Siddique, N. Mercuri, A. Krivoi, D. Nayot.
ESHRE 40th Annual Meeting, 2024. O-025 Session 05: Imaging of Endometriosis and Endometrial Disorders.
Human Reproduction, Vol. 39, Supp 1, July 2024.

Altre ricerche su IA

POSTER ABSTRACT: Counseling Oocyte Cryopreservation Patients: The Impact Of The Time Interval From Counseling To Retrieval On The Concordance Between Pre-Treatment Predictions And
Post-Retrieval Parameters

L. Whitehead, G. Nakhuda.
CFAS Annual Meeting 2022. Poster presentation.

POSTER ABSTRACT: Picture Perfect?: Determining The Clinical Utilization Of Artificial Intelligence In Oocyte Cryopreservation

C. Peschansky, S. Patel, A. Jawaria, S. Dynia, S. Usmani, R. Lynn, K. Vitale, L. Grimm, A. Ahmad, R. Jeelani, A. Beltsos,
E. Louden.
ASRM Scientific Congress & Expo 2021. P-106 6:30 AM Tuesday, October 19, 2021.
Fertility & Sterility, Vol. 116, No. 3, Supplement, E157, September 2021.
OPINION: AI In The Treatment Of Fertility: Key Considerations
J. Swain, M.T. VerMilyea, M. Meseguer, D. Ezcurra, Fertility AI Forum Group.
Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, Vol. 37, 2817-2824, 2020.


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